Corozo nut buttons are our new favourite thing. They tick every box going, in our opinion, and we are delighted to be using them on many our AW19 dresses.
What's the big deal, we hear you cry? Well, not only are Corozo nut buttons incredibly beautiful but they are also biodegradable, sustainably produced and, as the button of choice in the 1920s, they are a nod to one of our favourite style eras of the past.

The Corozo nut tree is native to South America. When the nuts are ripe, they fall from the tree and are simply collected from the ground. This means that no deforestation occurs during their harvest and the trees are allowed to grow big and old - just as nature intended.
Corozo nut farming is not only wonderfully non-destructive, but it is also great for the local economy. Corozo nut value is so high that farming them can generate up to five times the income than that of cattle ranches (a huge and environmentally damaging industry in South America that is currently one of the largest contributors to climate change).

Buttons made from the Corozo nut were big in the 1920s and the material was nicknamed ‘vegetable ivory’ due to its similarity in look and feel to ivory. Corozo nut buttons have a beautiful grain to them, rather like that of wood, and they feel heavy and cool to touch. They are easy to dye and also harder than the average plastic button, so far less likely to scratch.
Corozo nut buttons fell out of fashion when cheaper, plastic buttons came on the market in the 1930s. But we are better informed these days and know the damage that producing endless plastic creates. We're on a mission to move away from plastic completely at Palava so it was a real joy to discover this beautiful alternative!
Corozo nut buttons can be found on the following dresses this Autumn: